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Couples Massage Private Classes
Interested in Giving your partner massage in the comfort of your own home?
Let me teach you how to massage your partner.
Class will consist of :
Teaching one or both people a basic relaxation massage routine
Simple Draping techniques so that you can keep your partner warm and comforatble
A bottle of massage lotion
Recommendations on tables and accessories
We can switch half-way through the class so both people get an opportunity to learn, or we can spend the whole time teaching one person and pampering your partner.
Note: You MUST provide a massage recipient for class (your partner or friend).
Typical price for 2 hour private class: $250
I can recommend cost-effective portable massage tables that you can keep in your home (highly recommended)
Please Contact Me for more recommendations.
I am a Licensed Massage Therapy Instructor with experience teaching in a Massage School and to regulare every day people who are just interested in massaging their partner or family members.
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